Redefining PASSION

Having a rest at home before heading to day 2 of training assignment later. In one of the discussions we had yesterday, I was asked “how can we find the energy to do what we need to do?”

I shared that when we find purpose and meaning in what we do, we naturally feel energetic (excited/anticipating/passion) because we believe in it. A mother with young kids no matter how tired, will still be able to care for her young children despite only having 3 hours of sleep nightly. A successful entrepreneur who sees great purpose in his business will still continue to work hard and long hours despite having made his fortune.

So I feel the key question is how much do you believe in what you have to do, do you see a strong purpose and meaning behind it? This purpose could be just very personal (e.g. I want to provide the best for my family) or very personally noble (e.g. I want to reach the underprivileged in 3rd world countries).

At the end of the day, the is my take: We don’t feel energetic doing something simply because we enjoy doing it. PASSION is not what you enjoy doing, but WHAT YOU BELIEVE IN. What you enjoy doing cannot drive you strong and long. But what YOU BELIEVE IN can see you through long arduous journeys and up and down mountains and valleys.

So, WHAT DO YOU BELIEVE IN that can drive you to achieve your goals? When you have the answer, you will naturally see the purpose and meaning, and then have all the energy (with rests of course) that you need to walk the journey.

Get Your Goal-Setting Workbook (till 02 Jan 2014 only)

7 Days to a New Goal book

Have your set your new year resolutions for 2014 yet?

To help you Breakthrough Your Performance in the new year, I am making my “7 DAYS TO A NEW GOAL” book available for DOWNLOAD FREE (no personal details required) from now till 02 JAN 2014.

Simply click GET YOUR FREE COPY TODAY! for more information and to download the book.

It is the season of GIVING, SHARE this present with your friends.

Happy New Year!

Are You “Brainwashing” Yourself The Right Way?


An experiment about BRAINWASHING done by a hypnotist and TV production crew. Brain washing happens everyday. Around us we are brainwashed to:

– fall in love with a brand/product/service
– believe in a concept/ideology/cause
– live our lives according to certain standards
– see ourselves as success or failure by certain criteria
– perceive our world in a positive or negative light
– and the list goes on……

If one can be brainwashed to “kill someone”, then he can also be brainwashed to breakthrough his performance in life, health, career, finance, relationships etc, isn’t it?


How to free yourself from Negative Emotions?

Every negative emotion we feel has nothing to do with others but just ourselves. When we experience a negative emotion, it is a golden opportunity to ask ourselves:

– “What is this emotion telling me about myself?
– What do I need to learn?
– What do I need to let go of?”

When we find the answers, we free ourselves from that negative emotion.

Learn from your emotions to free yourself.

Slow down to gain Speed

We don’t always have to accelerate to gain speed in life. Sometimes, you can gain more speed by slowing down.

By slowing down at certain junctions,  I have been able to:

– RECOGNISE how many checkpoints I have cleared (important to recognise every success no matter how small you perceive it to be)

– REALIGN my mental GPS to continue toward my desired destination (strong inner congruency will see you through rough patches)

– REST & REFUEL my body to be in top condition for the rest of the journey (mind over body is but a myth, your ego should be listening to your body, who is the wiser one)

Take a moment to slow down in your journey……

Career Success

3 things we need to have to do well in any career:

1. PROFICIENCY – the necessary knowledge, skills, experience, strategies, tactics, techniques, know-how

2. PASSION – not need to do or have to do; but you like to do it, want to do it, love to do it, enjoy doing it, and must do it to feel alive

3. PURPOSE – dream, vision and higher calling that will see you through any obstacles of human, space and time

In your current career, how many of these 3Ps do you have?

How to Help Someone Close to You

Sometimes, what goes on in the lives of the people around you (especially loved ones close to you) can hit you mentally and emotionally. When such happens, we may find ourselves feeling ANGRY of what is taking place, SAD that they are hurting, or even GUILTY for not being able to help them. While these are normal human reactions, they do not empower us to make helpful decisions or take responsible actions. When I encounter such situations myself, I REMIND myself to do the following:

1) REMEMBER that you are not a super hero who can save everyone in trouble (even superman cannot be there for everybody).

2) RESPECT the choices made by the person in that situation (even if you know it is not a sound choice from your wisdom and experience).

3) REMAIN around the person (but not in his situation) so that you are reachable when he falls and require a helping hand, a listening ear or some advice for a change in decision and actions.

Are you still ALIVE?


Is the inner fire within you still burning?

Does the fire of life within you burn strong?

Are you still living your life with passion and enthusiasm?

If not, perhaps it is time to reignite that inner fire to burn and shine across all darkness in your life?

“Are you truly living, or just breathing? “
– Jensen Siaw