“For my children, I can do anything.”

Just sent my son to school and now sitting down at a nearby cafe to sip a cuppa as I wait for him. Taking my morning free slot to spend some time with my children before I head for meetings and an event that will see my work day end late in the evening.

Like me, many of my participants who completed the Breakthrough Your Performance Immersion Programme yesterday are parents, and I think all their children are much older than mine. They have worked hard and long years to provide the best for their children, and I salute and respect them for that.

I like what a participant said yesterday, “For my children, I will do anything.” Like him and many parents, my kids are my GREATEST SOURCE of motivation. They not only motivate me to work hard and create continuous and increasing financial resources to provide them with the best, but they also motivate me to continuously seek BREAKTHROUGHS in my life – Mental, Emotional, Spiritual. Let me elaborate.

HOW YOU LEAD OUR LIFE is both a conscious and subconscious conditioning and modeling for your children. They see you act, hear you speak, and sense your emotions (positive and negative) infinite times as they come into your life and grow up with you. We passed onto them not only beliefs and values, but also emotional baggage that we have yet to let go from our past.

If you were a parent (or becoming a parent), and you are facing certain challenges or obstacles in your personal or professional life and need motivation to breakthrough it, consider the following:

1. What are you SHOWING / TEACHING your children by being a victim of your circumstances/past? (Would you want them to be a victim or victor in their lives?)

2. What would your children THINK and how would they FEEL seeing you crumpling under the challenge? (They will probably feel sad and guilty for not being able to help you, do you want them to feel that way and carry this emotional baggage into their adulthood?)

3. If you were to overcome the challenge and triumph over it, what exemplary LIFE LESSONS would you be leaving for your children in their minds and hearts? (Your breakthroughs and achievements are springboards for theirs in the future)

The participant who told me “For my children, I will do anything”, he has made a congruent decision to go for his next CAREER BREAKTHROUGH, not because he needs the financial rewards for himself or his family, but to be a living testimonial to his children about breaking through “impossible” limits.

Thank you to all participants in the past 2 days for your openness, courage and commitment. Thank you for LEADING BY EXAMPLE. To your breakthrough and success, cheers.

How to free yourself from Negative Emotions?

Every negative emotion we feel has nothing to do with others but just ourselves. When we experience a negative emotion, it is a golden opportunity to ask ourselves:

– “What is this emotion telling me about myself?
– What do I need to learn?
– What do I need to let go of?”

When we find the answers, we free ourselves from that negative emotion.

Learn from your emotions to free yourself.

Slow down to gain Speed

We don’t always have to accelerate to gain speed in life. Sometimes, you can gain more speed by slowing down.

By slowing down at certain junctions,  I have been able to:

– RECOGNISE how many checkpoints I have cleared (important to recognise every success no matter how small you perceive it to be)

– REALIGN my mental GPS to continue toward my desired destination (strong inner congruency will see you through rough patches)

– REST & REFUEL my body to be in top condition for the rest of the journey (mind over body is but a myth, your ego should be listening to your body, who is the wiser one)

Take a moment to slow down in your journey……

How to Help Someone Close to You

Sometimes, what goes on in the lives of the people around you (especially loved ones close to you) can hit you mentally and emotionally. When such happens, we may find ourselves feeling ANGRY of what is taking place, SAD that they are hurting, or even GUILTY for not being able to help them. While these are normal human reactions, they do not empower us to make helpful decisions or take responsible actions. When I encounter such situations myself, I REMIND myself to do the following:

1) REMEMBER that you are not a super hero who can save everyone in trouble (even superman cannot be there for everybody).

2) RESPECT the choices made by the person in that situation (even if you know it is not a sound choice from your wisdom and experience).

3) REMAIN around the person (but not in his situation) so that you are reachable when he falls and require a helping hand, a listening ear or some advice for a change in decision and actions.

What is PASSION?

I am sometimes asked this question – What is Passion? How do you answer this question? Here’s my answer:

“PASSION is the INNER RESOURCE that empowers you to BREAKTHROUGH your FEARS and reach the next level in your life’s PERFORMANCE.”

PASSION is not just what you like, love or feel excited about. It is a combination of what you LOVE, BELIEVE IN, and LIVE FOR.

Passion = Love + Belief + Purpose

Self-Blame, an addictive defeating pattern

Taking responsibility for your life doesn’t mean taking the blame for what you didn’t do well in. SELF-BLAME is a defeating mental-emotional mechanism that:

– spirals you into feeling depressed
– gives you a reason to remain defeated
– saps your energy to bounce back

Self-blaming traps you within the defeat, and if you are used to this defeating pattern you could even  get ADDICTED to self-blaming because then you can indulge in the pain and therefore don’t need to do anything. Beware.

Taking charge and being accountable for your own life means you:

– stop yourself from spiralling downwards mentally & emotionally
– accept (truly accept,  knowing is not accepting) that whatever has happened has happened
– make new empowered choices and take productive actions.

Have a beautiful weekend and life.

Before You Give Up

BREAKTHROUGH YOUR PERFORMANCE questions to ask yourself when you think of giving up in a tough life situation:

– “Are you the Father/Mother you want your kids to model after?”

– “Are you the man/woman you want your kids to marry?”

– “Are you the person your loved ones will be proud of?”